Saturday, September 02, 2006

My oldest turns nine

Ahhh... the birthday season has begun! Today was Bailey, in 2 weeks it's Piper, 3 weeks after that it's Jadzia. In November Danny turns 30 years old. I also have my mother and brother and a very good friend in there too.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned it yet or not but Bailey hates having his photo taken. Hates it! I don't know why though because once I get him to agree to it we can get some gorgeous photos, so long as we aren't in bright light. He agreed to give me half an hour today. I only got him to hold for about 15 minutes though.
It was really strange today. We were all excited over it being Bailey's birthday... but I felt so strange knowing that he wasn't going to have a party. And no, I'm not a mean mum. I would have loved to have thrown him a party but he just didn't want one. Bailey has Asperger's. It's low end, high functioning autism. One of his many quirks is that he just doesn't feel comfortable around large groups of people. Last year, I threw him a party anyway and he had a meltdown in the middle. I decided then that we'd do whatever he wanted this year.
So, it was a nice quiet day at home. My mum visited this morning and gave him a gift voucher from the bookstore. They went downtown and picked out a book together. When he got back, his friend was here and they played for a while before my mum took them to the movies. He loves going to the movies, This was his first time going without an adult. They saw 'Hoodwinked'. Danny picked them up and then we had afternoon tea - lollies, chips and lemonade. More play. Tea was his choice - KFC. Danny's dad came to see him which was really nice - I wasn't sure that he would remember. The other great thing about today is that Jessie was able to be here. It wasn't her weekend to be here but with Bailey's birthday today and Father's Day tomorrow, her mum let her come! So, he had his big sister with him.

I know this ohoto isn't 'technically' correct but I love it anyways. I swear, the most used catchphrase in our house is "I didn't do it." Danny and I believe there is a rogue band of fairies in our house. I'm going to have to do an entry with photos of each of the kids so whoever you are out there reading wont get confused as I talk about all of them. I'll get to it some time this month.


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