Saturday, December 30, 2006

Engagement shoot

A sneak peak of an engagment shoot I did yesterday.

Still proofing but wanted to share...

Lesson learnt from this session: ALWAYS check my settings when I move to a different lighting situation. :(

PS - Jadzia changed the kitten's name to 'Micki". She named her after Micki James from WWE. Usually, I wouldn't like name changes... but come on, Chelsea??? She knows she can't change the name again now.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

New addition to the family

Meet Chelsea (not my choice in name)

Santa ;-) decided that it was time again...

Santa delivered this adorable kitten to Jadzia for Christmas. He got her from the RSPCA (shelter) which made Jadzia very happy. She still has stitches from being desexed but they come out in a few days. Of course she came with no name. Jadzia first named her Emilina but I said there was nooooooooo way I'd be walking around calling her that. Yeah, I know... mean mummy. So, she's decided on Chelsea.

Jadzia was actually given a kitten for her 5th birthday. He was a gorgeous ginger cat and she was very responsible in looking after him. When we moved from Qld we brought him with us. He hated the crate he was moved in. After we got here, we stayed with my mum while we found a house. When we found one, we brought the box out ready to go... he ran away. He never came back. My mum, Danny's dad and a friend of ours would go past at all different times of the day to see if he was there. We even took Jadzia up on a cooooold winter's night. We thought if he heard her voice he'd be more willing to come. He didn't show up at any of the vets or at the RSPCA. She was absolutely heartbroken.

We didn't want to get another straight away. She really loved him and I didn't want her to think that we thought he was replacable. That was about 18 months ago and we finally decided that it was time again.

She's just the cutest little thing. Full of energy and personality. She's been opening windows and programs for me all night by walking on the keyboard. These photos were taken while she was playing on the shelf behind my monitor. Again taken with the 430EX speedlite and edited using Booster Baby!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


So I had focus issues, his face still has lunch on it and he had just cut his lip not long before... BUT - he's looking at me! Talk about eye contact avoidance... it has been so hard to get this boy to look at the camera. Yay!

These are also some of the first shots with my new flash. Danny got me the 430EX Speedlite for Christmas - aint he great?! They were edited with my Booster Baby! action.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Wishing you joy

Christmas is my absolute favourite time of the year. I hope you all have a rockin' holiday and spend time doing whatever it is that Christmas really means to you... for us, it's family, friends and good food.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

More from the maternity shoot...

I can breathe now... I showed them the proofs today and they loved them!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Top 10 Photographs of 2006

Frederique put this challenge out on her blog. Top 10 photos from 2006 and each with a caption of no more then 5 words. Sounds easy, right? Hmm... not so easy. I was down to 16 and couldn't choose. There were a few that I loved equally and there were some that I thought were technically better then others. I decided to flick through them and see which ones really spoke to me, which ones touched my heart in some way. I haven't done that well with the captions - writing is not my forte. Pssst... Julie? Any idea for a better one on the first one especially?
So, without further ado, here are my favourites - in no particular order except the first one is my total favourite from the year.

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Last signs of babyhood

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Secret whispers

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Childhood fantasies

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Distinctive (yeah, I know)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Live Out Loud
I have some idea about my style. Since I'm only new to all this I think I'm still trying different things though. What do YOU think my style is? I would really love to hear what you think...
Oh, and I have to just point out that the 2 of Pacey (in the blue and red t-shirt) have only been defogged and sharpened.

Silly Blogthings Fun

I just couldn't resist this one. I found it on Sarah's blog and couldn't resist. Danny is forever teasing me about being an American-wannabe.
You Are 34% American
America: You don't love it or want to leave it.But you wouldn't mind giving it an extreme make over.On the 4th of July, you'll fly a freak flag instead...And give Uncle Sam a sucker punch!
So then I just HAD to try this one... Strange that I'm more Average American then I am American... hmmm?
You Are 60% "Average American"
You are average because you donate to charity.
You are not average since you don't think affirmative action is necessary.
For the Buddhist in me...
You Have Good Karma
In general, you like to do the right thing when it comes to others.Your caring personality really shines through.Sure, you have your moments of weakness - and occasionally act out.But, all in all, you're karma is good... even with those few dark spots.
I'm also teased for being a perfectionist. If you saw my house you'd never think it though...
hmmm.... hopefully you aren't all sick of me?
You Are 82% Perfectionist
You're a total perfectionist. So go ahead and congratulate yourself on a "perfect" score.The truth is, everyone is sick of living up to your standards. And you're probably even sick them yourself.
Because honesty is important...
You Are 80% Brutally Honest
Most of the time, you tell it like it is. Even if it's hard for people to hear.Sometimes you hold back though, because you never want your honesty to be hurtful.
...and this one is for you Boo ;)
You Are 20% Nerdy
You are definitely not nerdy - in fact, you probably don't know any nerds.You probably care a little too much about your image. No one will know if you secretly watch Star Trek reruns!

Ok - I'm done playing for now...

Friday, December 15, 2006

First Maternity Shoot

I'm still proofing the session but I couldn't resist putting up a few of my favourites.
Thanks for everyone's support. I really don't think I would of taken the step without it.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Taking the first step

I did it. Julie? See..? I finally did it.
I finally made a call I've been procrastinating about. I have my first real portfolio building session on Thursday. First time with someone I've never met, first time at a location I've never seen and first maternity shoot. Yep, she's 8 months pregnant. To be honest... I'm nervous as anything. I just hope that I come away with enough good photos to show. Wish me luck...
Here's some from the weekend. A good friend of mine came from out of town. Her children came too. They are seriously the greatest kids. I know everyone says that about the kids they photograph but it's really true. They are young teenagers and they have the best manners, they are both caring, kind, understanding, patient, fun, moral, beautiful children. If my children grow up to have the traits of those 2, I will be a very proud mother indeed. Their parents have done an awesome job.
So... meet Miss S. I'll share some of her brother in my next post. We got TONS of good shots but these are my favourites of her...

Hot pink phone just like mine! Every teenage girls' must ;)

I found my very own wall. It's great. I was stoked when I found that it had this word painted on there.

My favourite... does the red distract?

...and in B&W it takes my breath away.

Oh... and I got the 'mummy tears' moment. I've felt the 'high' that comes with taking some fantastic photos (not to sound in love with myself) but this is the first time I've had the mum cry. Wow... now that's a high!

And finally, here's the missing goofy santa photo of Jess. For some reason I just cannot add it to the other post. Grrr... bad Blogger.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Which Reindeer Are You???

Found this and thought it would be fun to play.
You Are Prancer
You are the perfect reindeer, with perfect hooves and perfect flying form.
Why You're Naughty: Because you're Santa's pet, and you won't let anyone show you up.
Why You're Nice: You have the softest fur and the sweetest carrot breath.
Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?

Now, which reindeer are YOU?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Goofy Santa Kids

Take no notice of the bad mix of clothing. These are actually going to be cropped as square head shots for some Christmas frames I've altered. I'll post some pictures when I have them done.
Here they are being more serious...

For some reason it's not letting me upload the goofy one of Jessie. I'll try to edit it later when it's not throwing a poopy fit.