Friday, February 23, 2007
Just wanted to update for the Elements users...
Happy to say that the action has worked for PSE5 and PSE4. Still testing on PSE3.
Shouldn't be long now... thanks for being patient.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Booster Baby! action for sale
I'm so excited to finally have this ready to go!
I've been asked about this a ton of times and finally thought, why not? I use this action on 95% of my colour photos. I will say that I do tweak it to fit each photo. I've made it super simple to be able to tweak it yourselves. In fact, I recommend you use it that way.
Below are some examples, clicking on them will make them bigger. I did nothing to these photographs except crop, run the action, resize, and sharpen... no tweaking.
Please send your PayPal payment of $4.99USD to and the action will be emailled to you within 24 hours - usually sooner then that. Due to the nature of the purchase, no refunds will be given.
I have a few people testing this out at the moment for me. It looks like we might be able to get it to work on PSE4 and PSE5. I just need to fine tune the details. It should be sorted out in the next 24 hours. Check back soon...
Labels: action
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Back again...
I don't think I've had this long between posts before. I know that all my faithful readers must of been feeling as though they were dwelling in darkness without a new post from me. It's ok... I'm back now. ;)
Well... I've been proofing the wedding I shot at the end of January, getting organised with the 3 older kids back at school and that's about it. I know it doesn't sound like much. I've also been going to bed before midnight every night, which, if you know me you know is strange. It's really working though. I'm waking up much happier and easier in the mornings now. Oh, and I've spent a few nice days with my Mum lately.
I should be blogging regularly again now. This week I'm working on a name for a photography business - I've been sort of portfolio building but now this wedding is over I'm ready to get more into it - and a logo. If anyone has ANY ideas I would soooo love to hear them. I don't have one of 'those' names so I don't think Joe Smith Photography sounds good. I'm wanting to go for something young, fresh, funky and fun. With the colours, I'm either going for the baby pink lime green type look - love it - or a more subtle chocolate brown baby pink or blue look.
I'll leave you with some recent pics of my sister's children...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
I've been tagged...
I'm going to cheat on the 6 weird things. I was tagged on my Photo A Day blog so some of these are a copy. I must just be too normal. I can't come up with 12 weird things about myself!!!
6 weird things about me...
1. I have a favourite side - really... it's my left side.
2. I copy people when I walk... fall into step with them.
3. I like really hot salty McDonalds fries dipped into one of their hot chocolate fudge sundaes - hmmmm.
4. I don't wear any rings - not even my engagement and wedding rings.
5. I homeschoolled my daughter for 6 months and my son for 9 months.
6. I make words up on the fly... so long as I get my point across that's ok, right?
1. I have a favourite side - really... it's my left side.
2. I copy people when I walk... fall into step with them.
3. I like really hot salty McDonalds fries dipped into one of their hot chocolate fudge sundaes - hmmmm.
4. I don't wear any rings - not even my engagement and wedding rings.
5. I homeschoolled my daughter for 6 months and my son for 9 months.
6. I make words up on the fly... so long as I get my point across that's ok, right?
6 things that make me very happy...
1. Chocolate!
2. Watching my children play together, as a team. It seriously makes my heart skip a beat.
3. Getting that 'wow' photo. (doesn't happen often enough)
4. Hanging out with my sister and her family.
5. Getting some real time out with Danny. (this REALLY doesn't happen often enough)
6. Hanging out with my girlfriends...
I have a BUNCH more things that make me happy. This list is not exclusive. I put the first 6 things down that came into my head... ok, I lie - I left one of them out ;)
I'll leave you with another beachscape pic from the holidays. I really tried to get a dark, stormy feel.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Holiday snaps...
Thanks guys for answering my 'chips-and-soft-drink-pity-party' call. I didn't realise how whiney I sounded.
Just thought I'd update with a few more of the photos I took on holiday. Bailey and I had a great time shooting the surfers. The day after, I took Jadzia and she was enjoying herself too - until the batteries in the camera ran out. I couldn't even give her my spare because they're different.

I can't decide if I like this one in colour or B&W better... what do you think?

The kids have their swimming carnival tomorrow. None of them can actually swim properly but there are other activities they can take part in. Notes came home from school today for band too... Bailey and Jadzia both want to join so that's great! Oh - and the big news of the day {insert drum roll} Piper got her very first merit award, for tracing.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Do I smell?
I swear... I've taken a shower and I have pretty smelly spray on ;)
No one's commenting lately... am I talking to myself? I mean... totally possible. I've often wondered why anyone would read about my life... but now I feel lonely without you all. Hmm... I am a little strange, yes?
Just one of Danny to share today. This was taken while on holidays. I've been so busy proofing the wedding I shot but today I took time out to do some holiday snaps.
I trully love this man... with every ounce of my being...

Much ado about nothing...
Well... it's been a busy week! We got back from holidays late Saturday. Since then, we've been trying to catch up on cleaning, buying the kids school supplies, sending the kids off to start school again - Piper going for the first time, organising the house (those who know me know that organisation isn't my strong point), catching up with friends, getting my poor puter fixed, trying to get the laptop fixed, proofing holiday photos and more importantly, proofing client pics. Also, Danny works off a 2 week roster. One week he's rostered on normally and the second week is pretty full on... this week of course. Oh! Oh! Oh! He's not been having a fun time at work lately but due to certain issues that I can't really talk about, his work situation will be changing and he's really happy about it. So yay Danny!
So, what's new? Piper has a sore tooth. I'm not sure if it was loose or not to start with (her and Bailey 'bumped' into eachother this morning) but it is now and it's aching. Poor little girl. Pacey has gotten bored without the other kids at home... even Jack has gotten more quiet now they are back at school. He's following me everywhere - if I leave the room, he's right behind me.
I don't have any new pics to share. I'm dying to go through the holiday photos properly but they'll have to wait until the wedding photos are proofed. For now, here's a quick one of my sister.

Thursday, February 01, 2007
Just the one really. I don't get a chance to shoot sunsets. Where I live just isn't the place for it. When on holidays, I told my sister that I desperately wanted the sunset. So... we jumped in the car and she took me to this little place... had a long, thin piece of land that jutted out into the water. We had to wait just over half an hour for the sun to get down there - but when it did, wow... I only had about 5 minutes to go for it.
Without further ado... my 5 favourites from that evening...
I'm not completely sure about the composition on this one. I don't think it sticks to any rules but it works for me. The thing I really like about this one though is the sun itself.